Warbringer julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon ”Silhouettes”


Suomeen huhtikuussa saapuva amerikkalainen thrash-rykmentti Warbringer on julkaissut ensimmäisen kappalenäytteen ja musiikkivideon tulevalta ”Woe To The Vanguished” – albumilta. Biisi tottelee nimeä ”Silhouettes”. Laulaja John Kevill kertoo kappaleen taustoista:

This song, the album opener, is a blazing and intense number; we wanted the album to open with pure annihilation. I had the lyric in my head and the frantic riff under the verse since the beginning of 2014, and I am very pleased that it exists as a full song now. The idea for the song came from a particularly chilling detail found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki; when the atomic bombs went off the shadows of people whose bodies were vaporized still remain burned onto the walls and the ground where they once stood. To me, this is goddamn horrifying. I thought, ’What if the souls of those dead remain trapped in the shadows?’ I wanted to have the song written from a future where civilization has failed, the Earth is in ruins and the few remaining survivors live a horrible existence. The untold millions of shadows from this future, burnt into stone, look back at us in the present time and judge us for bringing about the apocalypse that, though we saw it coming, we did nothing to avoid.

”Woe To The Vanguished” ilmestyy Napalm Recordsin kautta 31.3.2017 ja on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.

Warbringer nähdään Helsingin Tavastia-klubilla 11.4.2017 yhdessä Havokin, Exmortuksen sekä Gorodin kanssa.

Katso ”Silhouettes” alta:

Levyn kansi ja kappalelista alla:

1. Silhouettes
2. Woe To The Vanquished
3. Remain Violent
4. Shellfire
5. Descending Blade
6. Spectral Asylum
7. Divinity Of Flesh
8. When The Guns Fell Silent

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Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.