Warbringer julkaisee ”Woe To The Vanquished” albumin maaliskuussa


Amerikkalainen Thrash Metal-yhtye Warbringer julkaisee viidennen albuminsa ”Woe To The Vanquished” maaliskuussa 2017. Kansitaide ja uusi studiodokumentti ovat katsottavissa alta. Levyn miksauksesta vastasi Mike Plottnikoff ja kansitaide on Andreas Marschallin (Sodom, Obituary, Blind Guardian) käsialaa. Levy ilmestyy Napalm Recordsin kautta 31.3.2017.

Laulaja John Kevill kommentoi:

For the music on this record we re-focused ourselves after a lot of the experiments on ”Empires Collapse”, and decided we wanted to make a record that is start-to-finish more merciless, ruthless, and cruel, but also maintains some of the more melodic and progressive sense. What we ended up with is a record that has a lot of traits of classic thrash but also a lot of extreme metal, and a rather unique version of that blend. It’s overall faster and meaner than anything else we’ve put out, but also has our biggest and most ambitious song, the 11-minute ”When The Guns Fell Silent” to close the record.

Kevill kertoo kansitaiteesta:

It is directly based on a photograph from the end of the First World War – a grim monument, a pyramid of 12,000 German spiked helmets, right in the middle of New York City. What struck me about the image is firstly how morbid it seems to be celebrating 12,000 dead men and calling it victory.

Katso alta uusi Making Of- video levystä:

Kuva: Noah Pelayo

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Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.