Thrash-pioneeri Overkill julkaisee uuden albumin ”Grinding Wheel” marraskuun alussa Nuclear Blastin kautta. Asian on vahvistanut yhtyeen vokalisti Bobby ”Blitz” Elsworth Altenativenation-sivustolle antamassaan uudessa haastattelussa. Bändiltä on myös tulossa DVD 25-vuotisjuhlakeikastaan Oberhausenissa, jossa Overkill soitti klassikkolevynsä ”Feel The Fire” sekä ”Horrorscope” läpi kokonaisuudessaan. Uusi kiekko pitää Elsworthin mukaan sisällään tuttua Overkill-tavaraa.
Katso Elsworthin kommentit levystä alta:
I was just adjusting the lyrics for our upcoming album. The album will be called Grinding Wheel. We are inches from completion at this point. Just a few more guitar leads need to be done and a few more backing vocals need to be done. The majority of the tracks are finished. We are looking for a first week of November release. At the end of the day Overkill is Overkill. Our trademark is that we are always recognizable on every release. For the three decades we have been around we were always Overkill. So sure it is a metal record and like always it will have sort of a thrash vibe to it with some melody in it. It’s always best to try to make it better or at least think in your mind that it is going to be better. That becomes the challenge. I think that is what keeps the band rolling. A lot of bands are known for what they have done, but I feel being known for where you are and what you are doing is where true value lies. I feel we accomplished that on the last few albums.
Lähde: Alternativenation.
Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.