Memoriam avaa kuoleman portit lyriikkavideolla “Surrounded By Death”


Bolt Throwerin perintöä jatkava Death Metal-ryhmä Memoriam julkaisee debyyttilevynsä ”For The Fallen” Nuclear Blastin kautta maaliskuussa. Ennakkotilauksen voi tehdä linkistä. Albumilta on nyt lohkaistu sodan kauhuista ja kuoleman jatkuvasta läsnäolosta kertova uusi lyriikkavideo kappaleesta ”Surrounded By Death.”

Laulaja Karl Willets kommentoi kappaletta:

The lyrics to this song work on many levels. Initially it relates to the literal interpretation of death all around on the battlefield. The song was written when there was a lot of high profile celebrity deaths e.g. Lemmy Kilmister 28/12/2016, David Bowie 10/01/2017, this was all over the media at the time when i was writing the lyrics to the song and had a major influence in the process. It seems that we all live in a world where we are all surrounded by death. Death itself is a taboo subject that we never really think about or discuss until it actually happens to someone we know and love, in this respect the song is a reference to Martin Kiddie Kearns and also to Frank’s dad who died not long after Martin. It is in some way a tribute their lives along with all the other people we have known and respected that have now passed on.

”Surrounded By Death” katseluun alta:

1. Memoriam
2. War Rages On
3. Reduced To Zero
4. Corrupted System
5. Flatline
6. Surrounded (By Death)
7. Resistance
8. Last Words

Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.