Edguy julkaisee “Monuments”- CD/DVD-kokoelman heinäkuussa


Saksan voimametallin kärkinimiin kuuluva Edguy juhlistaa 25 vuoden uraansa ensi kesällä uudella ”25 Years Best Of The Best”- kiertueella sekä kokoelmalla ”Monuments.” Kahden CD:n ja DVD:n julkaisu sisältää poimintoja yhtyeen historiasta, kokonaan uutta materiaalia sekä aiemmin julkaisemattomia harvinaisuuksia. DVD:llä on mukana kokonainen konserttitaltiointi ”Hellfire Club”-kiertueelta vuodelta 2004 sekä kaikki bändin musiikkivideot. Rajoitetulla versiolla on lisäksi kirja yhtyeen uran vaiheista. Lisätietoja luvataan julkistettavaksi pian.

”Monuments” julkaistaan Nuclear Blastin kautta 14.7.2017.

Laulaja Tobias Sammet kommentoi:

Whilst collecting all of this picture material together we were once again made aware of how proud we are of what we have created. There are probably not many musicians who are lucky enough to be able to look back on a 25-year-old band history at the end of their thirties. And especially without any line-up changes in the last 20 years! This is even more incredible considering that we’re not from Birmingham, New York or a German metropolis but from a small town called Fulda, a place where you normally only know about the insights of the music business by hearsay. I mean, as kids we started to play Edguy shows even before we had visited concerts as fans ourselves! Then we started to play shows outside our home town, then outside Germany and all of a sudden we found ourselves touring in Asia, America and Australia on a regular basis, because apparently there were people who liked our music. And they became more and more. For us, this always felt quite normal, the next step was all that mattered. We didn’t think about what happened while things were happening…

But if you look back now, you will realise how lucky we were! It’s now time to celebrate our anniversary with our fans. We’ll celebrate our quarter century with the release of »Monuments« and LIVE in some selected cities! We’ll perform a best-of set list, a journey throughout our past, with a lot of fuss and at full throttle! The first quarter century is over and we want to honour these years with our fans! To the next 25 years!

Katso ”Monuments” kansitaide sekä julkistetut kiertuepäivämäärät alta:

[one_half][/one_half] [one_half_last][/one_half_last]

Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.