Hollantilainen hard rock –veteraani Vandenberg tekee paluun uudella levyllä. Kitaristi Adrian Vandenbergin perustama yhtye julkaisi viimeisen albuminsa ”Alibi” vuonna 1985. Adrian vaikutti sen jälkeen Manic Edenissä, Whitesnakessa sekä viimeksi Vandenberg’s Moonkings –yhtyeessä. Vandenberg kasasi rivinsä lyhyeksi aikaa 15 vuotta sitten, mutta paluu jäi yhden kokoelmalevyn mittaiseksi.
Uudeksi vokalistiksi kitaristi on nyt rekrytoinut Rainbown ja The Ferrymenin Ronnie Romeron. Vandenbergin kanssa Whitesnakessa vaikuttanut basisti Rudy Sarzo sekä rumpali Brian Tichy täydentävät kokoonpanon studiossa. Tulevalle kiertueelle rumpaliksi saapuu Koen Herfst ja bassoon Randy van der Elsen.
Uuden miehistön päivitetty tulkinta Vandenbergin suurimmasta hitistä ”Burning Heart” kuunneltavissa alta.
Adrian Vandenberg kommentoi:
FINALLY, amigos!! As you may have noticed I’ve been biting the tip of my tongue for quite some time now to keep my big mouth shut about this exciting news: VANDENBERG 2.0 on steroids with the one and only amazing vocalist and dear friend the mighty Ronnie Romero! Don’t settle for less!!
To be honest, I’ve rarely been this excited in my musical adventures this far (just getting started of course..) and I can’t wait for our album to get launched into the world.
As a ‘teaser’ we have this re-recorded version of the Vandenberg classic “Burning Heart”, since our brand-spanking-blistering redhot album isn’t finished yet. So at least you’ll have a first taste of our rockin’ ensemble doing a chanson d’amour.
Please keep an eye on our ‘vandenbergband’ pages on all the socials to stay up to date about our endeavours, because I guarantee you that you’ll be a bunch of happy fuckers. Provided that you’re not against loud, bold, heavy, hard rockin’ chansons with soaring vocals, scorching geetars, booming bass and thundering drums. And its roots in all the quality rock since the late 70’s up to now that has made us smile, grin, excited, raise our fists, bang our heads, annoy our neighbours, kick our feet and make babies to. Do I sound excited? Probably, because I am and just like you guys I’m still a huge fan of this shit!! BANZAI!!
Ronnie Romero jatkaa:
To me, it’s kind of a dream come true. I’ve followed Adrian’s career since for years and he always was one of my favorite guitar players, so to work with him is nothing but amazing to me. Adrian is an exceptional musician, and it’s really easy to work with him. The energy when we work together was fantastic. We had great times at the studio with our producer Bob Marlette; very exciting time.
Lähde ja kuva: Adrian Vandenberg
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.