Uusi Disturbed-kirja The Sound Of Metal saatavilla


Neil Danielsin kirjoittama Disturbedin musiikkiin ja levyihin keskittyvä kirja The Sound Of Metal on julkaistu. 218-sivuinen teos kahlaa läpi yli 20-vuotisen uran tehneen metallisuuruuden levyt ja vaikutuksen keskittyen ainoastaan bändin musiikin ytimeen. Daniels on kirjoittanut aiemmin ”unauthorized”- teoksia mm. Metallicasta, Iron Maidenista, Robert Plantista, Judas Priestista sekä AC/DC:stä.

Kirjaa kuvataan tiedotteessa seuraavasti:

Heavy metal, hard rock, classic rock – whatever you guys wanna call it – Disturbed kick ass, plain and simple. It’s ironic that their cover versions of two distinctly non-metal numbers have made them famous – Genesis’ prog rock epic “Land Of Confusion” and Simon And Garfunkel’s acoustic “The Sound Of Silence”.

The band we know as Disturbed has been in action since 1996, previously they were called Brawl. Disturbed’s debut album The Sickness was released in 2000 on Giant Records. An immediate success with the alternative rock/nu-metal crowd, Disturbed played on the 2001 Ozzfest with Linkin Park and Coal Chamber, amongst many other bands. Furthermore their sophomore release Believe was a Number One hit in the US Billboard 200. Their third album Ten Thousand Fists was also a Number One hit. The band issued their third studio opus Indestructible in 2008; again a Number One US hit. In fact each of their six studio albums hit Number One in the US.

This book is a guide to their albums; it doesn’t dish the dirt on any internal band conflicts or any of that nonsense. It just gives quick lowdown on their music and influences.
All hail Disturbed!

Kirjan voi tilata 9,80 punnan (11,25€) hintaan linkistä. Myös Kindle-versio on saatavilla.

Lisätietoja: http://www.neildanielsbooks.com/.

Kuva: Travis Shinn

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Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.