Skeletal Remains julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon “Congregation Of Flesh”

Skeletal Remains

Kaliforniasta saapuva death metal -yhtye Skeletal Remains on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Congregation Of Flesh”. Biisi on nostettu bändin neljänneltä albumilta “The Entombment Of Chaos”, joka ilmestyy Century Median kautta syyskuussa. Levy seuraa vuoden 2018 “Devouring Mortality“ -pitkäsoittoa. Julkaisupäiväksi on asetettu 11.9.2020.

Bändi kommentoi:

We are extremely happy to unveil the next single and new video from our upcoming album entitled “Congregation of Flesh”. We gave the song to our director (Dillon Vaughn) and let him have a little fun with the narrative of the video putting his own twist on the lyrical theme. It depicts a small cult giving a sacrificial offering to their verminous god in hopes of bringing forth the physical form of whom they praise. We had a lot of fun making the video and really hope you enjoy it just as much as we do! Big thanks to Anthony Vasquez, Max Ouweelen and Harley Barden who offered their time to help out and a special thanks to the legend Dylan Carlson of Earth for lending his hand to play our Cultist Leader.

1. Cosmic Chasm (Intro)
2. Illusive Divinity
3. Congregation Of Flesh
4. Synthetic Impulse
5. Tombs Of Chaos
6. Enshrined In Agony (Instrumental)
7. Dissectasy
8. Torturous Ways To Obliteration
9. Eternal Hatred
10. Unfurling The Casket
Bonus track:
11. Stench Of Paradise Burning (Disincarnate cover)

Lähde ja kuva: Century Media

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.