Rush-kitaristi Alex Lifesonin sooloalbumi “Victor” ilmestyy 25-vuotisjuhlaversiona


The Aristocrats -yhtyeen rumpali Marco Minnemann on kertonut Ultimate Guitar -sivuston haastattelussa yhteistyöstään Rush-kitaristi Alex Lifesonin kanssa. Lifesonin vuoden 1996 soololevy “Victor” ilmestyy rumpalin mukaan 25-vuotisversiona ensi vuonna. Minnemann on työstänyt Lifesonin kanssa uutta musiikkia vuodesta 2018 alkaen ja kaksikko on taltioinut myös bonusraidan tulevalle uudelleen julkaisulle.

Rush päätti uransa viimeiseen konserttiin Los Angelesissa elokuussa 2015. Kitaristi on pysynyt sen jälkeen pääasiassa julkisuuden valokeilan ulkopuolella.

Minnemann kertoo seuraavaa:

With Alex, I’ve been working already for years, and Alex and I have released stuff together; he’s on my albums. I know about him, he had the thought about retiring a little bit a few years ago. But he still likes to play guitar and I hope he continues. We’ve been in touch just recently actually, just a few days ago literally, because he’s re-releasing an album called “Victor” he did 20 years ago; that’s going to be re-released as a 25th-anniversary edition, and one of the songs we did is on it as a bonus track.


So, I’m very pleased about that, and I hope he’s still playing but I’d understand if he doesn’t want to – he told me that after 41 years in the business, the thought of retiring is a potential enemy, that’s what he pretty much said. And I don’t blame him; if you have such a legacy behind you… And I think I told him, I said, ’Look, with your legacy, you don’t have to worry about anything.’ He doesn’t have to force anything. But, obviously, he’s a fantastic musician – and actually, when you asked the question before, about one of the favorite moments, that would have been him as well. Everything he brings to the table guitar-wise is always very different and very musical. He is a very inspiring person to work with. And yeah, and I have nothing but nice things to say about him. He’s great. He’s a fantastic person and a fantastic musician.


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Lähde: Ultimate Guitar
Kuva: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

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