Lost In Grey kiinnitti uuden kitaristin

Jarno Suodenjoki (vasemalla), Miika Haavisto (oikealla) Kuva: Anne Lill Rajala

Kotimainen sinfonista ja teatraalista metallia soittava Lost In Grey on kiinnittänyt toiseksi kitaristikseen Miika Haaviston rinnalle Jarno Suodenjoen (Embassy of Silence, Kiana).

Yhtye kertoo:

Greetings all thee!

We proudly announce that from now on Lost in Grey is a seven-piece Theatrical Metal act as Mr Jarno Suodenjoki (Embassy of Silence, Kiana) joins the Lost in Grey family as 2nd guitarist. 
We have known Mr Suodenjoki for 15 years or so and played together in various bands, projects and such. Additionally some of you have already had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful gentleman on the Female Metal Voices tour in 2019 when Mr Suodenjoki was filling in for Miika Haavisto for the first half of the tour.
We are also happy to inform you that the album recordings at the Grey Realm Studio are nearly finished, and Juhis Kauppinen will start mixing the album this week at the Shedstudios. The release date for this third album will be announced later.

Yours sincerely, Lost in Grey 

Jarno lisää:
Knowing Lost in Grey’s work ethic, enthusiasm and professionalism, plus seeing that they did not transform into monsters on tour either, it was an easy decision to join the band when asked. It has been superb to record and work on the forthcoming album’s guitar tracks. I can’t wait to hear the final mix and to play the songs live.”

Yhtye on valmistelemassa uutta albumiaan.


Lost In Grey
Kuva: Anne Rajala & Teppo Ristola

Lähde: Reaper Entertainment
Kuva: Anne Rajala

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