Kotimainen King Company julkaisee ”One For The Road” albumin elokuussa



Kotimainen melodisen heavyn tähtikokoonpano King Company julkaisee ”One For The Road”-debyyttialbuminsa elokuussa. Bändi on samalla julkistanut levyn kannen sekä kappalelistan. Yhtyeen muodostavat laulaja Pasi Rantanen (Thunderstone), kitaristi Antti Wirman (Warmen), kosketinsoittaja Jari Pailamo (Kiuas, Ponies To Kill), basisti Time Schleifer (Enfarce) sekä rumpali Mirka Rantanen (Kotipelto, Thunderstone). ”One For The Road” ilmestyy Frontiers-levymerkin kautta 26.8.2016.

Mirka Rantanen on kommentoinut tulevasta levystä seuraavaa:

Some of us got in this ride back in the 80’s and we are still on that same road. It was 1985 we were young and wild and free, We dreamed of playing rock`n roll, and sitting in a black limousine…we still believe! Our debut album ”One For The Road” should have been done years ago, but there was’t simply time to form KING COMPANY. We all had our own projects and we were too busy in our personal lives. Many of us have played in power metal and extreme metal bands, but something has always been missing. We wanted to write an album full of songs that we have always wanted to play. And we did. Most of the songs have been written together around Antti Wirman’s guitar riffs, but there are some older song from Pasi Rantanen that we re-arranged to a more modern form. The greatest ballad on the album is called ”Cast Away” and it’s written by the keyboardist Jari Pailamo. Most of the lyrics are written by Mirka and Pasi.

Lue koko tiedote linkistä.

Katso alta video ”Shining”, levyn kansi sekä kappalelista:


1. One For The Road
2. Shining
3. In Wheels Of No Return
4. Coming Back To Life
5. No Man`s Land
6. Farewell
7. Wings Of Love
8. Cast Away
9. Desire
10. Holding On
11. One Heart


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Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.