Khemmis julkaisi livevideon Dion kappaleesta “Rainbow In The Dark”


Denveristä saapuva metalliyhtye Khemmis julkaisee uuden minialbumin “Doomed Heavy Metal” 17.4.2020 digitaalisesti Nuclear Blastin kautta. Tämän kunniaksi katsottavissa on livetulkinta Dion 1980-luvun klassikosta ”Rainbow In The Dark”.

Yhtye kommentoi seuraavaa:

As lifelong fans of ZZ TOP, ‘Fandango’ has been a consistent source of inspiration for the four of us. The combination of high-octane live cuts and rare studio recordings make the release stand out in the band’s discography. In that tradition, we are thrilled to announce ”Doomed Heavy Metal”. This mini-album is similarly unique, combining sought-after singles and live cuts together on one record. We’ve topped it all off with a newly recorded version of DIO’s immortal ’Rainbow in the Dark.’ For those who have clamored for the rerelease of the long out of print ’Empty Throne’ and ’Conversation with Death’, your calls have been answered. We hope new and old fans alike will pick up the album, pour a tall glass of their favorite beverage, and party with us!

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

1. Rainbow In The Dark (DIO Cover)
2. A Conversation With Death
3. Empty Throne
4. Bloodletting (Live)
5. Three Gates (Live)
6. The Bereaved (Live)

Phil Pendergast | guitars, vocals
Ben Hutcherson | guitars, vocals
Daniel Beiers | bass
Zach Coleman | drums

Lähde ja kuva: Nuclear Blast

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.