Kalmo teki sopimuksen Sliptrick Records -merkille

Kuva: Kalmo

Tiedote 25.10.2020

Kotimainen doom-projekti Kalmo on tehnyt uuden sopimuksen Sliptrick Records -merkille ja julkaisee uutta musiikkia ensi vuoden aikana.

Yhtyettä kuvataan seuraavasti:

Kalmo is a one-man metal band from Finland led by inimitable main-man Mika. His music is raw and dark doom metal spiced with a fistful of black metal. The lyrics are written in Finnish and tell tales and visions about the inevitable end of this all. Kalmo feasts on influences from true old school metal masters like Celtic Frost, Slayer, Death Breath, Black Sabbath, and Master. To add some more to the list, which could almost be endless, at least the names of Triptykon, King Diamond, Gallhammer, Hellhammer, Vorum and Immortal must be spoken aloud.

Kalmo kommentoi:

After finding a true name in Kalmo (cadaver in English), ominous visions of the inescapable doom have been falling into place in the darkness. There is only one mind, one lost soul in the core of Kalmo. The axes of doom guitars and bass are played and the dark cries are bawled by this man. The beat of doom is conjured up with the black magic of state-of-the-art, technical drumslade witchery.

Kalmo on yhden miehen doom metal -projekti. Aikaisemmin Kalmo on julkaissut muutamia single-julkaisuja. Debyytti-EP ”Demoni” on saatavilla digitaalisena ja CD-versiona. Tämän lisäksi on saatavilla ”Demoni” t-paita kalmojen peitoksi. Julkaisu on tilattavissa Bandcamp-sivulla (https://doom.kalmo.fi).

Kalmo Bandcamp – https://doom.kalmo.fi
Spotify nimellä Kalmo Doom: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5mACCBzWFCx3vUIaIa9bDr?si=HlMUSlV_TbaWlhmlenB4kw
Kotisivu: https://kalmo.fi
Twitter – https://twitter.com/KalmoDoom
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/kalmodoom/
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68uusWaY3zM&list=PLCA9aXHmk-

Mika – All Instruments

Kuvat: Kalmo

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