J-P Pusa on Evil Driven uusi kitaristi.


JP Pusa

Kotimainen metalliorkesteri Evil Drive ilmoitti viime viikolla kitaristin Niko Huusarin eroavan yhtyeestä. Kovin kauaa uutta kepittäjää ei tarvinnut etsiskellä kun yhtye ilmoitti J-P Pusan (Alcantaria) liittyvän riveihin. Kovassa nosteessa oleva Evil Drive saa varmasti uutta potkua uralleen uuden kitaristin myötä. Metalliluola toivottaa J-P Pusalle onnea uudesta pestistä.

Yhtyeen virallisen viestin asiasta voit lukea alta:

“Hey folks, we have some news for you. We all together as the band Evil Drive had to separate from our longtime comrade and guitarist Niko Huusari. This difficult decision is based on personal reasons of Niko and we please you to respect that this is a matter between the band and Niko. Even though bands and musicians are part of the public in general there are some things which have to stay private. We thank Niko for everything he did for the band and wish him all the best for his future with his other activities. At the same time we are glad to announce our new guitarist Juha-Pekka “J-P” Pusa (Alcantaria). J-P lives in Karhula and he has a long experience of playing and performing with diffent bands and projects.

“Now with J-P’s guitar skills, the band will lay the stages in ashes with us for the upcoming shows, which he has already proved at our rehearsals. He’s also a skillful song writer and we can’t wait to write and finish our new material with him in near future.”

Kuva: Metal Rules

Levyarvio: Evil Drive – The Land Of Dead
Haastattelu : Evil Drive


Profiili | + artikkelit

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