Helloween julkaisee uuden albumin loppukesästä 2020


Helloween-vokalisti Andi Deris kertoo uudessa haastattelussa yhtyeen tulevan studiolevyn tilanteesta. Kyseessä on ensimmäinen albumi Helloweenin päivitetyllä kokoonpanolla, jossa mukana ovat vokalisti Michael Kiske sekä kitaristi Kai Hansen.

Deris kertoo materiaalia olevan jo runsaasti valmiina ja sessioiden etenevän aikataulussa. Julkaisuajankohdaksi on asetettu loppukesä 2020. Laulaja lupaa myös seuraavalle kiertueelle harvinaisempaa materiaalia. Ennen uutta levyä Helloween julkaisee Pumpkins United –kiertueen dokumentoivan ”United Alive” -livepaketin lokakuussa.

Deris kommentoi tulevaa levyä seuraavasti:

It is scheduled and as I said, there’s nothing rescheduled. I mean, it’s still the same setup, same schedule which says late summer next year. We always told the people that if the tour went well, and at the end of the day the chemistry was great, then we’re going to do an album in that constellation, which we will do now. So, it’ll be a lot of stress, I think, because we have two and a half singers now, which means each and every one has to sing probably the whole album, and then we switch and swap and change things. We will hopefully have a final solution on who sings what song and what things together. And yeah, it’s challenge but I’m looking forward to that, even though I know it’ll be a lot of stress.

When it comes to songwriting I now can write for Michael, not only for myself. So, suddenly you’re thinking in different dimensions which open up for the new upcoming album. We suddenly have the chance to bring on all that Keeper stuff, which Michael sang so greatly, and mix it with the stuff we have nowadays. So, yeah, I’m looking forward to that. I already have written two songs especially for Michael and yesterday the first vocals from Michael on the songs I’ve written for him arrived, and it sounds fantastic.

Kuuntele koko haastattelu alta:

Lähde: Metal Shock Finland
Kuva: Hannu Juutilainen ©Metalliluola

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