Ensimmäinen kappale Jornin “Life On Death Road” albumilta ulkona


Norjan hard rock mestari Jorn Lande julkaisee uuden sooloalbumin “Life On Death Road” kesäkuussa. Levyltä on nyt lohkaistu ensimmäinen single ja lyriikkavideo ”Man Of The 80’s”.

Levyllä ovat mukana Primal Fear-taustamiehistö sekä kosketinsoittaja Alessandro Del Vecchio. Kyseessä on Jornin ensimmäinen alkuperäismateriaalia sisältävä julkaisu vuoden 2013 “Traveller”-levyn jälkeen. “Life On Death Road” ilmestyy Frontiersin kautta 2.6.2017.

Jorn kommentoi uutta albumia:

It’s easily one of the best albums I’ve ever recorded. This was all about putting the right people together for the right result, and about taking the necessary time to work more thoroughly and in depth with the material we chose for the album. The older I get, the more I feel it is necessary to listen to my heart and look for that genuine and honest feeling that made me take interest in music in the first place. Back in the 70’s and early 80’s when I grew up, people and music were more free and so the presence of feeling and soul came more naturally and was expected from an artist or a band. This is the energy and craftsmanship we’ve been looking for, but still keeping a pulse on the modern times we live in. “Life On Death Road” is an original album that is pretty much summing up the last 40-50 years of rock and metal and has become a hybrid modern heavy rock album without losing those tasty elements of a good aged wine. Regardless, we’re all products of our time, and the feeling, soul and symbioses we’ve achieved for this album is a rarity in today’s music world, so in that sense this album is a true old school sailors’ ”tall ship adventure”. From start to finish it took us nearly three years to finalize and I’m really proud to say that this album is the proof that classic albums can still be made.

Katso ”Man Of The 80’s alta:

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

Life On Death Road
Hammered To The Cross (The Business)
Love Is The Remedy
Fire To The Sun
Insoluble Maze (Dreams In The Blindness)
I Walked Away
The Slippery Slope (Hangman’s Rope)
Devil You Can Drive
The Optimist
Man Of The 80’s

Lähde: Frontiers

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Hevimaailmassa vaellettu jo 1980-luvulta. Monipuolisen metallimusiikkiin syventymisen, perheen sekä työn ohella ajan vievät kolme koota; kirjoittaminen, koulutus ja kuntoilu.