Cannibal Corpse julkaisi uuden singlen ”Murderous Rampage” tulevalta levyltään

Kuva: Alex Morgan

Tiedote 29.3.2021

Jo vuodesta 1988 kuolometallia takonut amerikkalainen Cannibal Corpse julkaisee jo viidennentoista studioalbuminsa ”Violence Unimagined” Metal Blade Recordsin kautta huhtikuun 16. päivä. Levyltä on julkaistu uusi single ”Murderous Rampage”, joka on kuunneltavissa alta:

”It really follows the path we’ve been going down for a few years now,” yhtyeen basisti ja perustaja Alex Webster kommentoi levyä. ”I think we approach the writing in a similar way most every time: each of us try to write the heaviest, most memorable songs we can. We want each song to have its own identifiable character. Showing my age, I like to say you can ’drop the needle’ on any point of one of our albums and quickly tell which song you’re listening to.”

Kiertuekitaristista täysveriseksi bändin jäseneksi otettua Erik Rutania hän kommentoi seuraavasti:
”I think the most noticeable difference on this record will be the addition of Erik to the band. He wrote three full songs for the record, music and lyrics, and his song writing and guitar playing have added something new, and I think his musical style integrated into ours very well. He’s a great friend of ours, so on a personal level, he’s been a perfect fit, as we knew he would be. Beyond that, he’s one of the hardest working people I know, in music or otherwise, and he maintains a high energy, positive demeanor in challenging situations where other people might go in a negative direction. This energy and great attitude rubs off on the rest of us as well. That’s really a perfect situation to have when you add someone to a band, or any kind of team: someone who’s great at what they do, and also inspires the people around them.”

”I think we all pushed ourselves a bit technically on this one, with Paul probably pushing the hardest. This album is probably the most drum-intense album we’ve done yet. Part of that could be a result of Erik joining the band. His song writing style often features technically challenging drumming, probably owing to his years of experience in high speed death metal.”, Alex vielä jatkaa.

Cannibal Corpse - Violence Unimagined
Kansitaide: Vincent Locke
1. Murderous Rampage
2. Necrogenic Resurrection
3. Inhumane Harvest
4. Condemnation Contagion
5. Surround, Kill, Devour
6. Ritual Annihilation
7. Follow the Blood
8. Bound and Burned
9. Slowly Sawn
10. Overtorture
11. Cerements of the Flayed

Levyn ennakkotilaukset voi tehdä linkistä:

Cannibal Corpse on:
Alex Webster – basso
Paul Mazurkiewicz – rummut
George ”Corpsegrinder” Fisher – laulu
Rob Barrett – kitara
Erik Rutan – kitara

Lähde: Metal Blade Records
Kuvat: Alex Morgan ja Vincent Locke

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