Brymir julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon “Voices In The Sky” tulevalta levyltä


Brymir julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon “Voices In The Sky” tulevalta levyltään ”Voices In The Sky”.

Viktor Gullichsen:

“Even in the darkest times of despair, the songs and sounds we cherish can help us light our way through the night. For us, writing the album Voices In The Sky served this purpose during the past trying years. It let us imagine how it would feel to be back on the road, touring alongside our friends and our idols. As performing live is one of our driving forces, we eventually began to feel powerless without being able to do it.

This is especially apparent in the lyrics for the title track. It is a song about ambition forged in frustration and longing. About a desire for the validation an artist so often needs to fuel the endless pursuit of expression and accomplishment – especially the kind of validation we only can find in club full of roaring metalheads, reacting to our music. Even many other songs tell of travel, discovery and conquest. I wonder why…”

Lähde: Napalm Records

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.