Assimilation julkaisi uuden albumin ja cover-version King Diamondin “Welcome Home” -kappaleesta

Kuva: Kevin Eisenlord

Kanadalainen death/thrash metal -yhtye Assimilation on julkaissut cover-version King Diamondin 33 vuoden takaisesta kappaleesta ”Welcome Home”. Biisi löytyy kanadalaisten tuoreelta ”Tainting The Purity” -albumilta, joka myös kuunneltavissa kokonaan alta.

Assimilation kertoo tulkinnasta seuraavaa:

Putting a cover on an album is quite a decision, classics come to mind, such as “Circle Of The Tyrants” and “Breadfan”, these bands chose to cover songs outside of their respective genres, we did the same. It would have been easy, almost expected, to choose something like Morbid Angel, or Deicide, but we said fuck it, and wanted to explore our love of Heavy Metal. So we chose one of the most unique bands in the genre to cover, we put our own spin on the vocals, heavied up some parts, and made it our own. We even got some help from local legend Chris ””The Heathen”” Valagao from Zimmers Hole.

”Tainting The Purity” -albumin lisätiedot katsottavissa alta. Yhtye kertoo kansitaiteesta seuraavaa:

This was a joint collaboration between two of the most talented artists on the planet. The initial concept was illustrated by Lucas Ruggieri Illustration and the illustration was colored by Heavy Hand Illustration, making this as far as I know, the first collaboration of this type. Bringing our last two artists together to make something truly awesome.


The theme continues on this cover with the Red Kahn returning from beyond the realms of death with his headless barbarian horde. An ancient being, Amon, is resurrected with one purpose, to restore balance. The Kahn now being too powerful for any one being to resist, a new entity must be created. A being of purity, tainted with the blood of the ancients.

1.Rebirth of The Red Khan
3.Deformed Musculature
4.Tainting The Purity
5.Tattered Wings
6.Immortality Through Consumption
7.Open Hostility
8.Justified Mediocrity
9.Unification of the Persecuted
10.Welcome Home

Lähde: Reaper Metal Productions
Kuva: Kevin Eisenlord

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.