Arch Enemy julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon ”The Eagle Flies Alone”

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Arch Enemy on iskenyt kehiin uuden musiikkivideon tulevan “Will To Power” albumin kappaleesta “The Eagle Flies Alone”. Levy ilmestyy 8.9.2017 ja yhtye nähdään Suomessa 1.10.2017. Keikkapaikkana toimii Helsingin The Circus.

”The Eagle Flies Alone” katseluun alta:

Kitaristi Michael Amott kommentoi kappaletta:

Strangely enough, this is a song I wrote in sunny Mexico last year, but fear not – Arch Enemy hasn’t gone Mariachi on you! On the contrary, this song is steeped in classic Metal and melancholic Scandinavian atmosphere. Lyrically, this is an anthemic warcry to all fellow individualists around the Heavy Metal world. We shot the video with our director Patric Ullaeus in Sweden on the coldest outdoor shoot I can recall ever doing! The end result was totally worth it, it turned out beautifully. I guess sometimes you really have to suffer for the art!

Set Flame To The Night
The Race
Blood In The Water
The World Is Yours
The Eagle Flies Alone
Reason To Believe
Murder Scene
First Day In Hell
Dreams Of Retribution
My Shadow And I
A Fight I Must Win
City Baby Attacked By Rats (cover version)

Lähde: Century Media

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.