Tuomas Saukkosen Dawn Of Solace julkaisee “Waves”-levyn tammikuussa


Tiedote 22.12.2019

Wolfheartin keulamies Tuomas Saukkosen sooloprojekti Dawn Of Solace julkaisee “Waves”-levyn 24.1.2020. Dawn Of Solacen debyytti ilmestyi vuonna 2006, ja projekti oli jäissä yli vuosikymmenen Saukkosen keskityttyä Wolfheartiin sekä Before The Dawniin. Jälleen kerran Saukkonen rekrytoi Kaunis Kuolematon –yhtyeen Mikko Heikkilän vokaaleihin ja ensimmäinen single sekä musiikkivideo ”Lead Wings” on katsottavissa alta.

Dawn Of Solace nähdään ensi kesänä livenä Nummirockissa ja John Smith Rock Festivaleilla.

Tuomas Saukkonen kommentoi:

After the debut release in 2006 and things falling apart with things getting too complicated with label issues DoS remained more as a bitter memory for over a decade than a piece of art to be proud of. During the years it seemed that people did not forget the album and the more I toured with Wolfheart and Before The Dawn the more it came up when talking with fans and that kept the idea alive that maybe someday…

Last year during a demo recording session a song popped up what started the whole snowball effect which lead to this point where DoS is finally back with new album, new label and also returning to stages. I joined forces with Mikko Heikkilä giving him all vocal duties. We did 3 albums with Black Sun Aeon in the past and I could not think a better artist and vocalist to be my partner with this new chapter. DoS will open up a few new doors during the summer when playing the first gig ever outside Finland and also first festival gigs in the band’s history and it is needless to say how excited I am about this 2nd beginning.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

1.Lead Wings

Kuva: Noble Demon

+ artikkelit

Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.