Tuesday The Sky julkaisi ensimmäisen singlen tulevalta levyltään

The Blurred Horizon track-listing 1. Half Remembered 2. Near Light 3. Cwmwl 4. Where the Enemy Sleeps 5. Laudanum Dream 6. Hypneurotic 7. Later, Then Now 8. Near Dark 9. Half Forgotten 10. The Blurred Horizon 11. Everything Is Free

Fates Warning-kitaristi Jim Matheosin projekti Tuesday The Sky julkaisee 3.9.2021 uuden albumin ”The Blurred Horizon”. Yhtye julkaisi ensimmäisen singlen ”Hypneurotic”, jossa on mukana rumpali Gavin Harrison.

Jim kertoo albumista: ”It’s primarily a solo project, but with the idea of having different guests on each record to help fill it out and, hopefully, give each one a slightly different sound. With the first record, there was Anna Lynne Williams on vocals for a couple of songs, and Lloyd Hanney of God Is An Astronaut on drums. For this one, the live drums on five tracks were handled by Gavin Harrison of The Pineapple Thief, King Crimson, and Porcupine Tree. He’s my absolute favorite drummer, so he was the first person I thought of when I decided that some of the songs could benefit from real drums. I originally was thinking of just one or two songs, but once I heard how good he made them sound, I kept asking him do more, which, thankfully, he agreed to. His playing added a whole new dimension to the songs, particularly on ’Hypneurotic’, where he plays two different full drum kit takes, panned left and right, to achieve a kind of ’double drummer’ effect.”

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