The Three Tremors esittelee yhteistyön tulokset uudessa kappaleessa “Invaders From The Sky”


Judas Priestissa ja Iced Earthissa laulanut Ripper Owens, Cagen Sean Peck sekä Jag Panzerin Harry ”Tyrant” Conklin ovat ilmoittaneet julkaisevansa albumin The Three Tremors –nimen alla 20.9.2018. Tarjolla on nyt levyn ensimmäinen kokonainen kappalenäyte ”Invaders From The Sky”:

Kolmikko kommentoi uutta kappaletta seuraavasti:


There is a lot going on in this song. This is three singers bringing it old school with power and highs! To tell you the truth this is what you are going to get on the whole CD!


I would have to say this is one of the more thrashy tracks on album. It has a real chaotic feel too it which I love. I think we are opening the live set with this one too, it’s going to be crazy doing this one live.


Trying to pick which songs to do videos for was almost impossible. All 12 songs on this record are so strong that I have a new favorite each time I listen to it. We decided to pick ‘Invaders From The Sky’ for one of our videos because the whole imagery of an alien invasion we thought would look killer underneath the ferocity of the music. Hats off to the guys at GHD who did an incredible job putting it together and making it look just how we wanted it. When the album hits in a couple of months everyone will sympathize with how hard it was to single out just which songs to do videos for. Everyone has a different favorite!

Kolmikon vahvistetut keikat saa tarkistettua linkistä.


1.Invaders From The Sky
2.Bullets For The Damned
3.When The Last Scream Fades
4.Wrath Of Asgard
5.The Cause
6.King Of The Monsters
7.The Pit Shows No Mercy
8.Sonic Suicide
9.Fly Or Die
10.Lust Of The Blade
11.Speed To Burn
12.The Three Tremors (Bonus Track)

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.