The Crown julkaisi ”Beyond The Frail” -lyriikkavideon


The Crown on julkaissut ”Beyond The Frail” -lyriikkavideon, joka on yhtyeen ”Royal Destroyer” albumilta.

”It is our album number ten, so now we are in the big boys club,” says bassist Magnus Olsfelt. ”I think it in some ways is our crowning achievement, and it encompasses our sound across all albums on one defining record. It’s got it all – the early 90s death metal stuff, the haunting melodies, the thrash, the punk, the grind, the heavy metal and the more epic and doomy stuff.” Yhtye kertoo albumistaan.

The Crown on:

  • Johan Lindstrand: Vocals
  • Magnus Olsfelt: Bass
  • Marko Tervonen: Guitar
  • Robin Sörqvist: Lead Guitar and Backing Vocals
  • Henrik Axelsson: Drums


Lähde: Metal Blade 

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