Suotana tehnyt uuden levytyssopimuksen ja julkaisee uuden albumin keväällä 2018


Tiedote 15.2.2018

Rovaniemeläinen mustaa äärimetallia tarjoileva Suotana on tehnyt uuden levytyssopimuksen Reaper Entertainment -levymerkin kanssa ja ilmoittaa julkaisevansa uuden albumin keväällä 2018.

Yhtye kommentoi:

We’ve worked on the new album for almost two years, and we can proudly say that the dedication and hard work is paying off. We couldn‘t think better way to publish it than with Reaper Entertainment and their professional crew. The first impression the label gave us was stunning, and we are sure that, what the future holds to us is even greater. We couldn‘t be happier!

Levy-yhtiö lisää:

We are more than proud to welcome Suotana to the Reaper family. These guys are definitely one of the best rising bands within the metal scene. When we listened to the first song they sent in we knew immediately that we need this guys on board! The record is absolutely magnificent as well as working with the band so far…and we know that they have a lot of potential and we can expect great things to come. That’s why we are really happy to start a new chapter with them, within our band and label history!

Uusi studiotraileri katsottavissa alta:

Tuomo Marttinen – Vocals
Ville Rautio – Guitars
Pasi Portaankorva – Guitars
Tommi Neitola – Keyboards
Harri Portimo – Bass
Rauli Juopperi – Drums

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.