Sabaton julkaisi uuden lyriikkavideon “Father”-kappaleesta


Sabaton julkaisi uuden lyriikkavideon “Father”-kappaleesta.

Pär Sundström: “This trilogy complements our two studio albums The Great War and The War To End All Wars. We were definitely not ready to close our World War I chapter. We wanted to continue the journey and let it echo a little longer in the hearts and minds of our fans.”

Joakim Broden: “Our new song ’Father’ is a dark track about a very controversial person. Fritz Haber, the man who weaponized lethal gas, is responsible for about 4 billion people being alive today thanks to the Haber-Bosch process that he won a Nobel Prize for. It takes some serious thought to wrap your head around his story. Things aren’t always easy to understand or simply black and white, but rather all shades of grey. ’Father’ really forces you to think a bit more than the average song you hear on the radio.”

Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Peter Saari

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