Pain esittää online-konsertin Abyss-studiolta 12.6.2020

Kuva: Joke Kinderman

Peter Tägtgrenin johtama teollisuusmetalliyhtye Pain esittää maksuttoman online-konsertin legendaariselta Abyss-studiolta 12.6.2020 klo 20 Suomen aikaa. Tägtgren yhtyeineen vastaa lähetyksen aikana myös fanien kysymyksiin.

Tapahtumasta kerrotaan seuraavaa:

Throughout today’s crisis and the lockdown, modern technologies help provide us with the opportunity to watch our favourite bands perform online, but on this occasion, technology will also bring fans a unique tour of the legendary studio, where hundreds of contemporary heavy music masterpieces (Dimmu Borgir, Children Of Bodom, Sabaton, Amon Amarth etc.) were created.


With the use of 360 VR streaming technology, high-quality 8K video and 360 surround sound you will be able to participate in a private concert experience. Thanks to the band’s friends and partner – the LookPort project – you will have the opportunity to stand next to the musicians in the virtual reality format during your favourite song, almost touch the equipment, walk around the studio and examine its souvenirs – such as the gold records on the walls – and much more.

Peter Tägtgren – vocals, guitar
Jonathan Olsson – bass
Sebastian Tägtgren – drums
Sebastian Svalland – Guitar

Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Joke Kinderman

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