Mind Abduction julkaisi ”The Fall” -livevideon Ääniwalli Metal Festiltä 2005

Kuva: Tuomas Pere

Tiedote 6.12.2020

Raumalainen Mind Abduction on julkaissut livevideon ”The Fall” –kappaleesta. Biisi on taltioitu 14.9.2005 Turun Ääniwalli Metal Fest -tapahtumassa.

Vokalisti/kitaristi Tuomas Pere kommentoi:

The song has never been recorded or released on any albums or even demos but was performed live several times during the early years of the band. I decided to publish this video after these years as a funny picture of the times from the early years of the band, difference to the more recent songs and performances is quite distinct.

Music and lyrics written by Tuomas Pere.
Video provided by the kind organizers of the Äänivalli- event back in the day.

Kokoonpano videolla:
Jussi Hautamäki: Guitars
Joona Alamäki: Bass
Olli Markkula: Drums
Tuomas Pere: Vocals, Guitars


Kuva: Tuomas Pere

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