Kotimainen rockia ja black metallia yhdistelevä Verge on julkaissut uuden kappaleen ”The Decision Beyond Calculation”

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Jyväskyläläinen progressiivista rockia ja black metallia mielenkiintoisesti yhdistelevä Verge on julkaissut Metal Injectionin kautta uuden kappaleen “The Decision Beyond Calculation”. Biisi on nostettu syyskuussa ilmestyvältä ”The Process Of Self-Becoming”-albumilta, joka hyödyntää seitsemän kappaleen tarinassaan filosofi Søren Kierkegaardin pohdintoja.

”The Decision Beyond Calculation” kuunteluun alta:

Yhtye kommentoi uutta kappaletta:

At this point, there are ultimately no longer philosophical arguments, but the only way forward is through actually lived introspection which burns the icy distance of irony. After that which some mystics call the lesser dark night of soul the focus is changed entirely. In my willing, I am always something more than I actually am. But as Immanuel Kant has shown in great detail; the only positive standard of freedom (since freedom cannot be conceived merely as an ability to choose this or that without being determined) is moral duty towards others. However, once this choice is made; it becomes more and more evident that duty prescribes always more than one actually can follow.

I Voidhanger Recordsin kautta 15.9.2017 ilmestyvän levyn kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Aesthetic I – The Piety In Hatred
2. Aesthetic II – The Futility Of It All
3. Aesthetic III – The Ridiculous Difficulty Of Acceptance
4. Moral I – The Decision Beyond Calculation
5. Moral II – The Pride In Despair
6. Religious I – The Bedrock Gives Way
7. Religious II – Grounding In The Unground

Wrong – Vocals 2004- (Charnel Winds)
Not – Guitars 2006- (Funerary Bell)
Down – Guitars 2010- (Arvet, Saturnian Mist)
Never – Drums 2010- (Nodian, Funerary Bell)
Sandh – Bass 2012- (Charnel Winds)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vergefinland

Lähde: Metal Injection

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