Kiuas-yhtyeen uusi ”On Winds Of Death We Ride” -livevideo katsottavissa


Tiedote 13.7.2020

20 vuotta sitten perustettu Kiuas julkaisee vuoden 2013 jäähyväiskonserttinsa yhtyeen YouTube-kanavalla kappale kerrallaan. Neljäntenä kappaleena katsottavissa on “On Winds Of Death We Ride”. Keikalla kuultiin 22 biisiä Kiuas-katalogista harvinaisuuksia unohtamatta. Lavalla nähtiin myös kaikki bändissä vuosien varrella vaikuttaneet jäsenet.

Kiuas-perintöä jatkaa nykypäivänä Daimonic.

Yhtye kommentoi:

May 2020 marks 20 years from the founding of Kiuas. To celebrate the band will release a long awaited complete audiovisual experience of their last concert in 2013 at the also legendary and just recently demolished venue Nosturi in Helsinki, Finland. The show and recording consists of a live set of 22 songs from the Kiuas catalog, including some seldom or even never before heard live gems, with nearly 3 hours worth of music. All the members of all Kiuas line-ups can be seen and heard performing on the stage.

Rumpali Markku Näreneva kertoo:

We finally decided to finish this project and in my opinion the great live vibe of Kiuas, the diversity of the material and the uniqueness of the sold-out gig comes across successfully through this recording. Now on this unordinary corona-spring it’s nice to put out some live stuff for everyone to enjoy on their couches. Huge thanks to everyone who made this release possible and were part of the great Kiuas saga.

Kitaristi Mikko Salovaara lisää:

With the greatest modesty and humility I’d like to say that we’re talking about probably the most epic rock/metal event right after Väinämöinen (mythological finnish hero) played his kantele so gracefully that he started to cry being so moved by his own musicianship – as we all know is told in the Kalevala. Similarily in this Nosturi performance can be witnessed a spectrum of intense emotions, (literally) fire and brimstone, and sweaty live playing in all it’s rawness and edge.

The live audio is mixed and mastered by Mikko Herranen, recorded by Tapio Pennanen and video material is edited by Toni Salminen.

Kuva: Toni Salminen

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.