King Diamond kertoo tulevista teemalevyistään sekä kiertueista


King Diamond on avannut tulevan odotetun studioalbuminsa konseptia sekä kiertueita Full Metal Jackien haastattelussa. Tulossa on kaksi levyä ja erikoiskiertuetta, joiden osalta King lupaa suurta spektaakkelia ja seuraavat kolme vuotta tulevat olemaan yhtyeelle kiireistä aikaa.

Ensimmäisen albumin tarina sijoittuu 1920-luvun mielisairaalaan ja kokeisiin uuden ajan lääkitysten kanssa, toisella levyllä matkataan kuitenkin jo rinnakkaisiin maailmoihin ja todellisuuteen. Show tulee myös muodostumaan näyttäväksi ja King lupaa kolmannen kerroksen lisäystä lavalle aiempien kiertueiden kaksikerroksisen setin sijasta. Yhtyeen edellinen studioalbumi ”Give Me Your Soul…Please” ilmestyi 12 vuotta sitten.

King Diamond kiertää Skandinaviaa elokuussa ja nähdään Tukholman Fryshuset Arenalla 8.8.2019.

Diamondin kommentit tulevista levyistä ja kiertueista alla:

The next album gonna be gruesome. Absolutely gruesome. The storyline is, well, it’s in a way where I can’t even put it into just one album. So, it has to be over two albums. And it’s really planned out to work in a very special way with the show as well. So the show is being built right now in Denmark and built around that story so it really can go hand in hand.

Right now I already know how the production will develop for the next tour, after this tour so when we do part two of that story, I know how the whole thing ends already. I know how the production is going to change and how it’s going to be culminating in one very big thing. It’s a long project, several years, in fact the next three years are going to be very very intense for us. There are a lot of things that are in planning.

I think it gives a second chance and that is what the album is also about, it has something to do with that. It has something to do with parallel worlds and punishment, stuff like that. You’ll see us torture our dear little Abigail, it’s part of the story, you’ll see it onstage – but it’s great to be here – it’s been almost two years now, it’s incredible, but it hasn’t changed me very much when it comes to what I stand for and the stories that’s coming, musical style that’s coming. It’s total utter King Diamond.

I chose that because it’s a very creepy scenario. Thing is I know that somebody has talked about that but that is not the setting actually. It’s a lot of things involved but the setting looks as if it’s a 1920s asylum. That is exactly what it looks like and some of the things that go on onstage make you also think that certainly was going on back then. When medicine was beginning to take a beneficial turn in history and actually being able to help human beings live longer.

There was some experimentation going on too that was absolutely gruesome. Some of that was involved in the story but it is totally different. Once you get to the second part of the story you will begin to understand that and… what the hell is going on here? What is really about? Because there is a whole different story that will not come to you until second part. But in the first part you are going to get to know a lot people at a certain place. It’s in the story, it’s way too much.

The stage that we are building for this is going to be something else. Some of the things we are going to have onstage are also going to be very, very nice. We are adding an extra floor to the whole thing to what we had last time. We had stairs leading up to a second floor now there is going to be the third floor. I don’t like heights very much so this is one of those stupid things I like to do to myself sometimes. I test myself and how I am going to feel up there on the third floor — only a broken banister to make me feel safe, you know.

Lähde: Loudwire

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