Khanus-yhtyeen debyyttitäyspitkä ”Flammarion” julkaistaan heinäkuussa

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Tiedote 13.6.2018

I, Voidhanger Records julkaisee Khanus -yhtyeen debyyttitäyspitkän ”Flammarion” heinäkuussa 2018. Khanus on Oulusta käsin vaikuttava Shamanistinen Death Metal –bändi ja siinä vaikuttaa jäseniä yhtyeistä kuten Code, Iku-Turso, Wrathage ja Selcouth. Levy ilmestyy 20.7.2018 ja vinyyliversio on luvassa elokuun lopussa.

Levy-yhtiö luonnehtii julkaisua näin:

Finland’s Khanus introduced themselves to the metal audience in 2016 with the “Rites Of Fire” EP, a piece of shamanic metal of death perfectly underlining the ritualistic feel and the spiritual qualities of their music. Two years later, the band is back with its first full-length album, “Flammarion”, a monumental achievement that confirms the uniqueness of their proposal.

Khanus’ music oscillates between trance-inducing melodies almost bordering on hypnotic psychedelia and the primitive pulse of black/death metal, all seen through a distorting avant-garde lens that exalts the weirdness of the style without sacrificing brutality and aggressiveness. Together with LordT’s powerful drumming, Sovereign’s theatrical growls and nervous guitar playing incarnate the primordial side of Khanus, while Meltiis’ majestic soprano choirs play a more spiritual chord, adding a distinctive touch to the music, always incredibly dense and richly textured.

Boldly opening with a truly personal revisitation of Darkthrone’s “The Serpent’s Harvest”, “Flammarion” is a modern grimoire which deciphers the unfathomable depths of human soul by revealing its mystical and divine origins, as reflected in the pagan magic, occultism, mythology, ancient superstitions and esoteric knowledges that crossed mankind’s path throughout the millennia. Khanus’ “Flammarion” owns the irresistible charm of all that sacred culture, and burns it alive at the stake of underground metal.

Kansi ja kappalelista:

1. The Serpent’s Harvest (6:51)
2. A Timeless Sacred Art (5:25)
3. Titan Souls (4:23)
4. Ageless (5:10)
5. The Uncreated (5:57)
6. Secular Spiritual Existence (6:35)
7. Surrupu (3:36)
8. Magick And Numbers (6:03)

Total Time 45:10

Cover art by Business for Satan. Layout by Francesco Gemelli.

Traileri katsottavissa alta:

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.