H.E.A.T. julkaisi “Time On Our Side”- lyriikkavideon


Ruotsin hard rock-mestari H.E.A.T. julkaisee uuden albumin “Into The Great Unknown” 22.9.2017. Katsottavissa on nyt ensimmäinen single ja lyriikkavideo “Time On Our Side”:

Laulaja Erik Grönwall kommentoi:

“Time On Our Side” is a song about a relationship in which you have lost something over the years and it has become more and more difficult to endure. The song lyrics are sung in the perspective where you are begging your counterpart to have faith and patience in each other with a promise that you’ll do everything in your power to make it better again.

1. Bastard Of Society
2. Redefined
3. Shit City
4. Time On Our Side
5. Best Of The Broken
6. Eye Of The Storm
7. Blind Leads The Blind
8. We Rule
9. Do You Want it
10. Into The Great Unknown

Kuva: Kristian Heat Reuter/Reuter Music & Photography
Lähde: Gain

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