Don Dokkenin ”Solitary”-sooloalbumi julkaistu uudelleen: ”My Heart Will Go On” -cover kuunneltavissa.


Dokken-keulamies Don Dokkenin edellinen pääasiassa akustisia tulkintoja sisältänyt sooloalbumi ”Solitary” on julkaistu Cleopatra-merkin toimesta uudelleen kolmella bonuskappaleella varustettuna. Levy ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2008 ja sitä myytiin ainoastaan rajoitettuna painoksena laulajan soolokeikoilla.

Bonuskappaleet ovat covereita ja mukana on mm. versio Celine Dionin Titanic-hitistä ”My Heart Will Go On”, joka on kuunneltavissa alta.

Don Dokken kommentoi:

“Solitary” was never properly released. I wrote that thing years ago. And I added three more songs to it to make it a 12-song CD. I did three new songs. They’re not ’new’ songs — they’re covers — but they’re really beautiful. I did the ’Titanic’ song by Celine Dion. I redid it, which is, like… Everybody said nobody can do the ’Titanic’ song, ’cause you can’t compete with that [original] version; it’s brilliant. But I Don Dokken-ized it. And I did a song called ’Jealous’ by [English electronic musician] Labrinth; I redid that. And I played the piano on that and sang it, and that came out really beautiful. And ’All That Love Can Be’, also written by the same person [Oscar-winning composer James Horner] that wrote the ’Titanic’ song. ’Cause he passed away — the writer — he was killed in a plane crash [in 2015], a famous composer. So it’s kind of a tribute. He was a friend of mine. We were the same age; our birthdays were a month apart. So it’s a bit of an homage to him, with the exception of the song ’Jealous’.

”Solitary” kansi ja kappalelista:

1. In The Meadow
2. I’ll Never Forget
3. Where The Grass Is Green
4. Jealous
5. Ship Of Fools
6. You Are Everything
7. Venice
8. Sarah
9. My Heart Will Go On
10. The Tragedy
11. Someday
12. All That Love Can Be

Lähde: Cleopatra
Kuva: Hannu Juutilainen ©Metalliluola

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