NWOBHM-veteraani Diamond Head on julkaissut uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon tulevalta toukokuussa ilmestyvältä “The Coffin Train” –levyltä. ”Death By Design” –videon saa katseluun alta. Albumi julkaistaan 24.5.2019 Silver Lining Musicin toimesta.
Yhtye kertoo uudesta kappaleesta ja videosta seuraavaa:
”Death By Design’ is the second song from the new Diamond Head -album, ’The Coffin Train’, to be released. This song began life in my home studio in 2015. I had the opening top E string riff and tried to build a song around it. I gave a demo to Ras [singer Rasmus Bom Andersen] and he added a new verse riff. We worked on the arrangement and made another demo early 2017 before trying it out in rehearsal. It has a four-bar guitar solo that was recorded in a hotel room on Ras’s laptop while on tour, another first for Diamond Head.
Contrary to the title, ’Death By Design’ is not a song about death but about life. It’s about choosing life, your path and on your terms. It’s saying ’no’ to rotting in the giant hamster wheel and drowning in pre-conceived notions of ’the good life’ checklists, so that when you’re done and heading down into the fire, you can wear that big smile saying you did it your way and had one hell of a ride.
We’ve shot the most videos the band has ever shot for an album launch. The music video for ’Death By Design’ was a tough one to shoot right. We don’t exactly have Hollywood budgets for the production, but our director on this song, Russell Cherington, has been a massive support in shooting a rather fantastic video. We wanted to create something that resembled a descent into hell and follow the concept from the lyrics. We hope everyone will enjoy the second single and video and that it might inspire them to live life on their terms.
Lähde: Silver Lining Music
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.