Death metal – yhtye Krisiun pidätetty Bangladeshissa. Syynä jumalanpilkka!


Brutaalia death metallia soittavan brasilialaisen Krisiunin oli tarkoitus kiertää Aasiaa yhdessä Nervochaoksen kanssa. Kiertue ei päässyt kunnolla käyntiin koska yhtyeet pidätettiin Bangladeshin lentokentällä Dhakassa. Viranomaisten mukaan pidätyksen syynä oli jumalanpilkka. Passit otetettiin poliisin toimesta talteen. Tilannetta selvitetään nyt suurlähetystön kanssa.

Tämän hetken tietojen mukaan keikat Mongoliassa, Kiinassa, Vietnamissa sekä Malesiassa ovat myös peruttu. Krisiun kieltää tiukasti olevansa uskontojen vastainen yhtye.

Alta voi lukea Reddit-sivuston käännöksen brasilialaisesta uutisartikkelista:

The brazilian bands Krisiun and NervoChaos were arrested in the early morning of this Tuesday (0th) at Hazrat Shahjala International Airport in Daca, Bangladesh. According to a statement released by Krisiun, they were approached by police at the moment they were collecting their luggage. The passports were detained and both bands stayed in the local for over 8 hours.

The bands are in an international tour together, and before going to Bangladesh, they had performed in Hammersonic Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia. The bands were released in time for the concerts, which had their tickets sold out. The concert, however, was canceled by local authorities.

The bands were released after contacting the Brazilian embassy in Bangladesh, which helped to solve the situation. According to the press agency, both bands are in a hotel in Bangladesh, but no authorization to leave the country. On this Tuesday afternoon, they’ll have another meeting with the Brazilian embassy.

In Facebook, Lauro Bonometti, from NervoChaos, explained the situation: “Today, we from NervoChaos along Krisiun, are still detained in Bangladesh airport, which resulted in the cancellation of our concerts for being called as SATANIC bands, where the local religion is extremely radical. Our passports are detained by federal police, which forbid us to take any action to be released. We’re at the airport for over 8 hours and without knowing the possible outcome of this pathetic episode, and we’ll contact the brazilian embassy soon to help us in this case”.

Both bands are planning to attend to their concerts of Asiatic Tour, which is going to Japan, China, South Korea and Mongolia.

Krisiun kommentoi asiaa seuraavasti:

We are not against any religion, political view, or have any prejudice against anyone, it’s not the matter here.

We don’t want to see our big metal family worldwide fighting against each other, The world suffer with so much problems nowadays and Metal set us free and make us strong!

We came to Bangladesh to make a concert and unfortunately the authorities decided to cancel, it’s not the promoter’s fault, it’s nobody’s fault, it’s local authorities decision to shut the show, the Metalheads are great here in Bangladesh the concert was sold out, We deeply thank all you guys here for the enormous support, We will be back one day! Respect, together we are strong, Metal never dies!


Lähde: Metal Injection

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Levylautasella soi raskaamman musiikin osalta lähinnä black metal, Volbeat sekä Metallica. Läheinen suhde myös 90-luvun death metaliin. Levyhyllyjä täyttävät myös itärannikon hip hop - albumit. Työstä ja musiikista jäävä vapaa-aika kuluu kuntosalilla, lätkäkaukalossa, fudiskentän reunalla sekä customoidulla harrikalla kruisaillessa. Harrastuksiin lukeutuvat myös elokuvat, tv-sarjat, vinyylit ja lukeminen. - Fire Walk With Me-