Dark Funeral siirtymässä studioon viimeistelemään seuraavaa levyä

Kuva: Dark Funeral

Black metal -yhtye Dark Funeral on siirtymässä studioon viimeistelemään seuraavaa levyään. Yhtye tiedotti asiasta Facebook-sivullaan:

”And it’s a wrap !!!.

After almost two years of hard work, we can finally announce what everyone has been waiting for. There will be a new Dark Funeral album! We have finally completed the pre-production phase for the new, yet untitled, full-length album.

Now the time has come for rigorous rehearing before we finally enter the studio, to immortalize our new songs once and for all.

This time we will be recording in Studio 33, which is owned by Fredrik Thordendal from Meshuggah. And we will once again work together with the great producer Daniel Bergstrand, as with our last album ”Where Shadows Forever Reign.

The new album has no nailed release date yet, but it will be released by Century Media / Sony.

The new album will be followed by a massive worldwide touring.

We will of course keep you updated so be sure to follow us through our social media channels.”

Lähde: Century Media

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.