Children Of Bodomin Jaska Raatikainen esittää “If You Want Peace…Prepare For War” kappaleen uudella videolla


Children Of Bodomin käynnissä olevalta ”Hexed”-kiertueelta on katsottavissa uutta rumpukameravideota. Jaska Raatikaisen esitys harvoin kuullusta ”Are You Dead Yet?” -levyn kappaleesta “If You Want Peace…Prepare For War” on taltioitu Dallasissa, 7.4.2019.

Raatikainen kommentoi:

Hi there! Finally we got to tour with the new songs in our pockets. Even though this tour has only a few shows left we will be busy next 2-3 years touring around the globe. We have been waiting for this since summer when the new album master was delivered to the label. It has been so awesome to follow the crowd response to the new songs but also to the whole set list. There are a couple rarities too as we are playing “We’re Not Gonna Fall” and especially “If You Want Peace… Prepare For War!” The latter we have never played live before taking it on the set list last November in Finland. The line up of the tour is cool too: three bands from Finland! The two guys from Wolfheart were nice enough to lend their goPro-skills and shot a video from the show in Dallas. Thank you so much Tuomas for editing the shit and Joonas for being the great assistant!!! Be safe and see you on tour! Cheers, Jaska If You Want Peace… Prepare For War!

Lähde: Kira Zebu
Kuva: Deviant Art/FranCFH

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