Blind Guardian julkaisi ”War Feeds War” –videon uudelta orkesterilevyltä


Blind Guardian on julkaissut “Twilight Orchestra – Legacy Of The Dark Lands” –albumin sekä uuden videon kappaleesta “War Feeds War”.

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We lift the curtain. When “War Feeds War“ the riders are soon to appear! Witness André’s and Hansi’s recent journey through the Dark Lands. Enjoy this mind-blowing videoclip.

1. 1618 Ouverture
2. The Gathering
3. War Feeds War
4. Comets And Prophecies
5. Dark Cloud’s Rising
6. The Ritual
7. In The Underworld
8. A Secret Society
9. The Great Ordeal
10. Bez
11. In The Red Dwarf’s Tower
12. Into The Battle
13. Treason
14. Between The Realms
15. Point Of No Return
16. The White Horseman
17. Nephilim
18. Trial And Coronation
19. Harvester Of Souls
20. Conquest Is Over
21. This Storm
22. The Great Assault
23. Beyond The Wall
24. A New Beginning

Lähde: Blind Guardian

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