Beyond The Catacombs -yhtyeen ”Interstellar Burial” -albumi kuunneltavissa

Kuva: Jasmin Kilpeläinen

Tiedote 4.10.2020

Jyväskyläläisen brutaalia sci-fi death metalia esittävän Beyond The Catacombs -yhtyeen uusi albumi ”Interstellar Burial” on kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan. Levy ilmestyy fyysisenä julkaisuna Grind To Death Recordsin kautta alkuvuodesta 2021 ja bändi valmistelee jo albumille seuraajaa.

Samu Pettersson kommentoi:

Space theme has always been a very general topic for me in music and an idea to make music that sounds like an alien blob slaughtering people in a rusty old space station just became too good not to do. The soundscape tried to reflect this imaginary picture and the production was also kept pretty raw as too many death metal bands seem to use the same presets and overly clean and produced quality. Album doesn’t drift too far away from basic death metal-roots but it should offer a few surprises as well.

1. Interstellar Burial
2. Infected
3. Spectral Corpses
4. Too Many Tentacles
5. Darken The Sun
6. Assimilation Of Lesser Bioforms
7. Gravitational Collapse

Ville Koskinen – Guitars
Samu Pettersson – Bass, Vocals, Synth & Drum programming

Kansitaide: Album art and layout by Aleh Zielankievic (Zly_design)
Kuva: Jasmin Kilpeläinen

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