Battlelore-, Horna- ja Church Of Void -jäsenistön perustama Byron julkaisee debyyttilevynsä


Tiedote 13.12.2020

Nykyisen Neon Angel- ja edes menneen doom-yhtye Church Of Voidin rumpali Johannes Lahden eli Byron V.:n perustama Byron on tehnyt sopimuksen Goatmancer Records -merkille ja julkaisee debyyttilevynsä ”The Omega Evangelion”. Mukana on myös jäsenistöä Hornasta sekä Battleloresta.

Yhtyeestä kerrotaan seuraavaa:

Byron is a melodic heavy metal band from Finland. Founded 2019 as a one-man studio project, now standing as a full-grown band, Byron mixes it´s eclectic sound with influences from various genres, such as occult rock and stoner/doom, topping it with themes and imagery of the arcane and the occult.


Byron’s debut album, ”The Omega Evangelion” represents the birth of the band with tracks from different eras, bound together by a thematical line of endings and loss in various aspects, topped with Lovecraftian imagery. It is an eclectic serving of melodic heavy metal, moving from NWOBHM to occult rock and deeper into the gloomy depths of darker metal and back to stoner and doom, offering a sensation of beautifulness in decay, a beginning in every end. An evangelion of rebirth; of Alpha in Omega.

Johannes kommentoi:

I’m extremely happy and excited with the collaboration of Byron and Goatmancer Records. To finally be able to release the debut album through a trustworthy and respectful label elevates this band again into a new level and into the reach of wider audience it deserves. Working this together with professionals like Gero from Argonauta (caring all marketing and distribution) and Oleksander from Grand Sounds, I cannot expect more than quality service and dedication in pushing the band and its career onwards. Releasing “The Omega Evangelion” and hopefully get to play the songs live is a perfect start for the new year.

Ensimmäinen single “Through The Eye Of The Nightingale” kuunneltavissa alta:

Johanna Eteläkari, Christoffer Frylmark: Vocals
Jaakko Puusaari, Jyri Vahvanen: Guitars
Johannes Lahti: Bass, guitar, drums, piano
+ Magus Corvus: Guest vocals

Kuva: Byron

+ artikkelit

Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.