Tiedote 13.3.2020
Kotimainen modernia metallia esittävä yhtye Balance Breach on julkaissut ensimmäisen musiikkivideonsa kappaleesta ‘Most of This’. Biisi on nostettu yhtyeen tulevalta debyyttialbumilta ”Dead End Diaries”, joka julkaistaan 3.7.2020.
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We are super happy to announce that Balance Breach has signed a worldwide record deal with Out of Line Music! Being aware of the label’s work ethic, it will be interesting to see what happens when these two hard working units come together. We’re excited to become a part of Out of Line’s roster of visionary talents and proud to get our debut album to the hands it deserves. Out of Line has its fingertips tightly around the global music scene, so we’re looking forward to being able to deliver our unique take on metalcore around the world. The debut album will be released in summer 2020 and the first single ‘Most Of This’ gives a first sight of what’s coming up before the summer, so get ready for more!
This first single ‘Most of This’ is a song about letting go of mental and emotional shackles and stopping yourself from setting boundaries that keep you from doing the things you’ve wanted. The song represents what Balance Breach is best at: combining catchy riffs and melodies to form a hard-hitting tune that makes you want to bang your head and jump around!
Terho Korhonen – Guitar
Saku Heimonen – Guitar
Antti Halonen – Drums
Joni Härkönen – Bass
Aleksi Paasonen – Vocals
Kuva: Pihla Liukkonen
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.