Apotheus julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleestaan ”Save Our Ship”

Kuva: Apotheus

Portugalista tuleva melodista death metallia soittava Apotheus on julkaissut musiikkivideon kappaleestaan ”Save Our Ship”.
Kappale on yhtyeen viimeisimmältä albumilta ”The Far Star”.

Yhtye kommentoi: ””Save Our Ship” is a song about obstacles, however it is also about overcoming those same obstacles. We think that, given the circumstances in which we currently live, this topic becomes even more relevant. This song comes from our latest “The Far Star” and is a part of a more comprehensive story. In this story, as in real life, obstacles become part of what defines us. We too, in the present, will have to overcome this obstacle that haunts us now so much. We need to learn from it, and make our future a brighter one. As a way of lamenting, but never giving up, we decided to put our uniforms aside and record our most raw and heartfelt performance to date.”


Lähde: Against PR
Kuva: Apotheus

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.