Piraattihevin kärkinimi Alestorm julkaisee 10-vuotisjuhlapainoksen ”Captain Morgan’s Revenge” –debyyttialbumistaan tammikuussa 2018 Napalm-levymerkin kautta. Remiksatun levyn lisäksi bonus-CD:ltä löytyy kokonainen keikka Summer Breeze-festareilta vuodelta 2015. Saataville tulee lisäksi rajoitettu boksiversio sekä vinyyli eri värivaihtoehdoilla.
Yhtye kommentoi:
Oh wow! Can’t believe it’s been 10 years already since we made this record. We were all terrible musicians back then, and it was only thanks to the immense skill of our producer Lasse Lammert that we managed to salvage a passable bunch of songs. But anyway, it seems a bunch of you people seemed to like this album, so we decided to give it a bit of spit and polish for the 10th anniversary. NO, this is not one of those shitty ’brickwall’ remasters that some bands do, and NO, this is not a re-recording by a bunch of disinterested and jaded old musicians. We’ve taken the original multitrack source material from 10 years ago (bad playing, cheap keyboards, awful vocals and everything), and just re-mixed the whole album to be punchier, tighter, more dynamic, and more sonically delightful than before. You probably won’t even notice the difference! But it’s there. And it’ll sound awesome on vinyl, for the first time ever!
“Captain Morgan’s Revenge 10th Anniversary Edition” ilmestyy 26.1.2018 ja on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.
Kansi ja kappalelista:
Over The Seas
Captain Morgan’s Revenge
The Huntmaster
Nancy The Tavern Wench
Death Before The Mast
Terror On The High Seas
Set Sail And Conquer
Of Treasure
Wenches & Mead
Flower Of Scotland
CD2 (Bonus Disc) Live At Summer Breeze 2015
Actual Human Intro
Walk The Plank
The Sunk’n Norwegian
Magnetic North
That Famous Ol’ Spiced
Nancy The Tavern Wench
Captain Morgan’s Revenge
Lähde: Napalm Records.
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.