Yaotl Mictlanilta single ”Tezcatlipoca – Espejo Relumbrante” – levy ”Sagrada Tierra del Jaguar” ulos lokakuussa

Kuva: Yaotl Mictlan 

Salt Lake Cityssä majapaikkaa pitävä meksikolaistaustainen black metal -kokoonpano Yaotl Mictlan julkaisee 30.10.2020 uuden albuminsa ”Sagrada Tierra del Jaguar” (American Line Productions).

Yhtye on perustettu vuonna 1998.

Yhtye julkaisi singlen ”Tezcatlipoca – Espejo Relumbrante”, jonka voi katsoa alta:

Rumpali Yaotl kertoo levystä: ”After our last tour in Mexico, my brother Tlatecatl (guitar/vocals) and I were meeting for band practice so we could start writing new material. We were having a conversation about Mesoamerican folk, on how the Mexican god Tezcatlipoca came down from the sky on a spider web and how he jumped from the web to the ground creating a cloud of fog. He then proceeded to blend in the busy Toltec city wearing a robe concealing his face. The story ends when Tezcatlipoca tricks Quetzalcoatl the ruler of the Toltecs and is forced to leave his country only to come back as a god. Tlatecatl started playing a riff that he says is what he imagined Tezcatlipoca climbing down from the spider web, I loved the riff got on the drums and the inception of this track happened and it set the tone for the rest of the tracks in this new album!”


Lähde: Earpslit PR
Kuva: Yaotl Mictlan 

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