Waltteri Väyrynen esittää Bodom After Midnightin EP:ltä kappaleen ”Paint the Sky with Blood” uudella videolla


Waltteri Väyrynen esittää Bodom After Midnightin EP:ltä kappaleen ”Paint the Sky with Blood” uudella videolla.

”Here’s is my drum playthrough of the title track from our EP called ’Paint the Sky with Blood’ that was released on the 23rd of April 2021 via Napalm Records. Get your copy at: https://smarturl.it/PaintTheSkyWithBlood and let me know on the comments how you like it!

Huge thanks to my buddy Kris McCormick for mixing the drum track and editing the video.

I proudly use and endorse Pearl drums, Sabian cymbals, Wincent drumsticks, Evans drumheads, Lime Ears and Sennheiser microphones.”

Lähde: Waltteri Väyrynen

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