Uusi tähtikokoonpano Black Swan julkaisi ensimmäisen musiikkivideon tulevalta debyytiltä

Kuva: Frontiers

Uusi hard rock –tähtikokoonpano Black Swan on julkaissut lisätiedot helmikuussa ilmestyvältä ”Shake The World” –levyltä sekä musiikkivideon nimikappaleesta. Bändin muodostavat Michael Schenker Festistä tuttu laulaja Robin McAuley, Dokkenin ja Foreignerin basisti Jeff Pilson, Whitesnake- ja Winger-kitaristi Reb Beach sekä Mr. Bigin rumpali Matt Starr. Beach ja Pilson ovat aiemmin esiintyneet yhdessä Dokkenin levyllä ”Erase The Slate”.

“Shake The World” julkaistaan Frontiersin kautta 14.2.2020.

Robin McAuley kommentoi:

This is really exciting for me to read: Black Swan announces the release of ’Shake The World’, the first offering from the band on the Frontiers label.’ I’ve known Jeff for some thirty years and we have a history of performing together on MSG ’Unplugged’, in addition to being great friends, musically and socially. When he asked me to do this and collaborate with Reb, I didn’t have to think too long with my response. Initially he wasn’t going to play bass on this, but Reb and myself soon changed his mind, lol!!! Bringing Matt into the mix was a great decision. His powerful energy and style is unmistakable on this album. Overall, it is a very powerful blend of styles and writing. Reb is truly an amazing guitarist and songwriter. Jeff captured my vocals the way I like to sound. Probably the best vocal sound I’ve had… ever!!!! Such a great and creative studio experience for me. This is kick-ass, powerful music on an album full of great songs. If you love strong melodies and BIG choruses, Black Swan won’t disappoint!! It’s time… Shake The World!!!

”Shake the World” kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Shake The World
2. Big Disaster
3. Johnny Came Marching
4. Immortal Souls
5. Make It There
6. She’s On To Us
7. The Rock That Rolled Away
8. Long Road To Nowhere
9. Sacred Place
10. Unless We Change
11. Divided/United

Lähde ja kuva: Frontiers

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