Týr julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ’Sunset Shore’


Färsaarilta saapuva viikinkimetalliyhtye Týr on julkaissut uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Sunset Shore”. Biisi on nostettu yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta “Hel”, joka ilmestyy Metal Bladen kautta 8.3.2019. Ennakkotilausta voi jättää linkistä.

Týrin keulamies Heri Joensen kommentoi uutta videota:

In early January, immediately after spending our holidays in the Faroes, Gunnar and I traveled to Hungary to our bandmates, Tadeusz and Attila, in Budapest. Finally, it was time to shoot another video, our first since 2014, and we’re very happy to present this one to you!

The Hungarian film production crew, Mihaszna Film, arranged the trips, starting from Budapest and going first to the Julian alps in Slovenia. In the fields and rivers of the snowy mountains we had some amazing scenery for ’overworld’ part of the video. A few days later we traveled on to the caves of Szent-István in northern Hungary, and deep underground we found some dark and gloomy caves to be the perfect backdrop for the underworld part of this video.

Terji wrote ’Sunset Shore’, for our upcoming album, ’Hel’ – to be released on March 8th, and he plays the solo on the album version, but not in this video. We decided it was the perfect opportunity to introduce you all to the amazing talent of Attila Vörös, who recorded his own version of the solo a few days before the video shooting. The lyrics, written by me, are about how the mind can sometimes be a windswept and weatherworn landscape, and how the only thing to do, in spite of hopelessness and despair, is to aim for a better place and to work towards better times.

We hope you enjoy the result!

1. Gates of Hel
2. All Heroes Fall
3. Ragnars Kvæði
4. Garmr
5. Sunset Shore
6. Downhill Drunk
7. Empire of the North
8. Far from the Worries of the World
9. King of Time
10. Fire and Flame
11. Against the Gods
12. Songs of War
13. Alvur Kongur

Lähde: Metal Blade

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.