Tuskassa vakuuttanut Delain palaa Suomeen huhtikuussa 2020

Kuva: Hannu Juutilainen

Tuskassa lauantaina esiintynyt hollantilainen sinfonista metallia esittävä Delain ilmoitti keikkansa päätteeksi palaavansa Suomeen pääesiintyjäkeikoille huhtikuussa 2020. Yhtye nähdään tuolloin tulevan uuden albuminsa myötä ainakin Helsingissä ja Tampereella.

Yhtyeen toinen kitaristi Merel Bechtold on jättänyt bändin ja soitti viimeisen keikkansa Delainissa Graspopissa ennen Tuskaa. Bändi jatkaa toistaiseksi yhden kitaristin voimin.

Jäämme odottamaan virallista tiedotetta Delainin Suomen konserteista.

Tiedote Bechtoldin lähdöstä luettavissa alta:

Dear Delainers,

Today we are sharing the news with you that Merel has decided to leave Delain and focus on different musical ambitions. Merel’s performance with us at Graspop will be her last show as a permanent band member of Delain. We are aware this is very short notice, and this we regret for those of you who wanted to catch a last show with her as a part of the team. However, this is a friendly departure, and we are respecting Merel’s wishes in doing so.

We had an amazing ride sharing the stage with this fireball and we are excited to see the results of her new endeavours.

Merel Bechtold:

Dear all, I am sorry to inform you that on Graspop I will play my last show with Delain. After almost five amazing years the time has come for me to focus on my own dreams. Because of my previous band commitments my attention diverged from my own music and the path I want to follow, and I feel I need to give myself the time and opportunity to explore my musical ambitions.

This is probably the hardest decision of my life, but in the end it’s important to follow your heart and be happy. I want to thank my bandmates and crew, I will miss you dearly! Also huge thanks to all the amazing people I’ve met on the road. And most importantly I want to thank YOU for all those amazing and warm memories! It’s been a pleasure. (…)

Yhtye jatkaa:

Although we will miss Merel on the road with us, we realise that our busy schedules require loads of time and commitment, and we understand and respect her decision to focus on her own path. We will continue performing live as a five-piece as before, and look forward to finishing the work for our upcoming studio album, the upcoming festival season, our US tour with Amorphis and Anneke van Giersbergen and our European Masters Of Destiny Tour. We hope to see you all soon!

Thank you Merel, we wish you nothing but the best!

Kuva: Hannu Juutilainen

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.