Turkulainen metalliyhtye Sonus Corona julkaisi ”Time Is Not On Your Side” –singlen

Kuva: Victor Ekholm

Tiedote 10.10.2019

Progressiivista metallia Turusta – Sonus Corona julkaisi videon marraskuussa julkaistavalta kakkosalbumiltaan.

Turkulainen progressiivista metallia soittava Sonus Corona yhdistelee musiikissaan intensiivisiä tunnelmia raskaiden riffien ja vahvojen melodioiden saattelemana sekä luottaa timantinkovaan biisinkirjoitukseen. Tärkeitä vaikuttajia ovat olleet esim. Haken, Toto, Tool, Dream Theater ja Leprous.

Bändin toinen studioalbumi ’Time Is Not On Your Side’ julkaistaan 22.11.2019 Inverse Recordsin kautta.

Katso lyriikkavideo albumin nimikkoraidasta:

Vokalisti Timo Mustonen kommentoi:

“Time Is Not On Your Side” is the most definitive song on the new album as a whole, so we figured it makes a great single and a name for the whole album, too. The keyboards, the melody, and rhythmic elements all compliment each other. Harri’s solo on this moves me every time. It’s also a great song to perform live, we all love it. I rewrote the lyrics in the middle of the night after we had rehearsed the song together. Ari had laid the foundation and melody-rhythm of the words while composing the song, and I turned them around to complement the storyline of the whole album.

The song is about not leaving decisive action on the matter at hand too late. Other people or circumstances might change the game, so one might not have any options left. The protagonist is fighting his own demons, while he knows he should take action instead of focusing inwards. Still, he questions his own motives all the time. His friend comes along to stir things up, and tries to help him see all the options available and give a nudge in the direction the friend thinks is the one for him.

Kuuntele “Time Is Not On Your Side” -single:

Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2M25QAk
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/album/113136532
Apple Music: https://apple.co/2M0qfFD
Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/album/119156859

Ennakkotilaa CD:

Ennakkotallenna ”Time Is Not On Your Side” -albumi Spotify soittolistallesi:


3.The Refuge
4.Swing Of Sanity
6.Time Is Not On Your Side
8.Moment Of Reckoning
9.To The Ground

Albumin kansi: Aki Niemi

Ari Lempinen (kitara, taustalaulu)
Harri Annala (kitara)
Miika Erkkilä (basso)
Rasmus Raassina (rummut)
Esa Lempinen (koskettimet)
Timo Mustonen (laulu)


Promokuva: Victor Ekholm

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.